Terms of Use

Your Account

By signing in you agree to the following:

  • we can delete your account at any time, canceling (and refunding if applicable) any campaigns or pledges you've made in the process, successful or pending

Your Campaigns

By creating a Connected Stripe Account with us you agree to the following:

  • campaigns can only be created by valid Stripe connect accounts for persons 13 and over (as per Stripe's age requirement) living in the United States
  • campaigns can only be made for legal, authorized, and acceptable purposes
  • we can delete your Stripe Connect Account at any time, canceling any campaigns you've made in the process, as well as refunding any successful campaigns
  • we can approve, deny, refund, or delete any campaigns you've made at any time

Your Pledges

By signing in you agree to the following:

  • we can delete your Stripe Customer Account (which stores payment information so you can make payments to successful campaigns), cancelling any pending pledges in the process
  • we can cancel or refund any pledges you've made
  • as a pledger of a successful campaign (a campaign that has passed the minimum number of pledgers) you agree to pay (up to and including) the Maximum Possible Pledge Amount as stated in the campaign (funding goal) / (minimum number of pledgers) once the deadline is reached
  • all charged pledges are final - make sure you read the campaign description carefully to see how much you'll be paying (ranging from $0.50 to (funding goal) / (minimum number of pledgers) before fees), and that the campaigner can be trusted; beware of scams and people pretending to be others